Today exactly at 00.00 am
At my2 server, a war has provoked between SRG and MFTF PT. Although I'm in MFTF HT but the heat of the fight is also felt by us.
The reason for the war is:-
1. MFtF.PT High Council cata SRG's member.
2. SRG only respect the real MFTF(ex-DIV SE) and we will not touch them.
3. MFTF.PT was SRG betrayer who run to MFTF confederation ask for protection.
4. MFTF.PT betray us by creating new wing full of farm villages named raven(SRG still hold DIV objective. NO FARM VILLAGE).
In other online game named Erepublik...
eThailand declare war on Malaysia.
BANGKOK -- Around 5:00, Thai President Bl1ndn3ss passed a bill to attack Peninsular-Malaysia which share borders with the Southern Thailand Region.
President Bl1ndn3ss' reason was, "As all of you know eThailand has no High Raw Materials, and because they are the most important resource a country can have we are going to take some."
Malaysia, a young and struggling nation with a slowly growing population of 285 is helpless now.
Peninsular Malaysian representative Vikta, told me, "We are actively trying to recall all our overseas soldiers to return to fight for the survival of our country. Please, any Malaysian overseas, or any kid eCitizen that wants to help defend against the imperialist and ruthless invasion of this new and vulnerable nation should move to Malaysia. We will do our best to provide you with moving tickets to move to other regions to heal..."
"We feel betrayed by Thailand, because we thought Malaysia and Thailand had good relations. Personally, I feel betrayed by the Thai president because I thought we were friends to say the least.", he added.
The Peninsular Malaysian Region is rich in high oil and got a medium grain production too, it is also the only grain producing region of Malaysia.
If Peninsular Malaysia would be occupied by Thailand, Malaysian food manufacturing companies will be forced to import grain.
Oil still won't be a problem if this happens, both Sabah and Sarawak got medium production in oil.
On the other side of the coin, Thailand with a population of 323 and an MPP contract with South Korea got nothing to lose.
All regions Thailand have hospitals except Southern Thailand that has a Q3 defense system only.
Thailand is a grain producing nation, most regions produce grain, maybe Malaysia will import from here.
Medium production of oil is found in Southern Thailand.
It's obvious that Thailand waited to attack until Malaysia's MPP contract with Canada ended.
The contract ended just a few hours ago, what a pretty clever move for Thailand!
Best of luck... we need it[a lot]
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