H1N1 or also known as swine flu has started its journey at mexico where it killed roughly 170 people. This pathogens has infected 2,955 people at mexico alone.
The virus, a mix of pig, bird and human genes to which people have limited natural immunity, has also spread to Canada, New Zealand, Britain, Germany, Spain, Israel and Austria.
The outbreak appeared to already be stabilizing in Mexico. 17 new suspected deaths were reported, only one additional confirmed death was announced Wednesday night, for a total of eight countrywide.
In the U.S., eight states closed schools affecting 130,000 students in Texas alone.
Swine flu has symptoms nearly identical to regular flu — fever, cough and sore throat — and spreads like regular flu, through tiny particles in the air, when people cough or sneeze. People with flu symptoms are advised to stay at home, wash their hands and cover their sneezes.
Wear a facemask would help you to prevent the virus.
Prevention is better than cure
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