It has been a while since i updated my blog......
I would like to introduce u to Asda Story~

Asda Story' is a 3D game with cartoony graphics. The game is very similar to other online RPGs. Starting out, players all begin as the same type of character, and at level 5 can choose which class they want to be: archer, mage,or warrior. Players control their characters movement and combat by clicking the left mouse button.
The game's most unique feature is the "soul mate" system which allows two players to become each other's "soul mate." Playing with your soul mate will give you new skills, and make you stronger. When they leave, though, you lose soul mate abilities and are weaker.
There are 3 main class in this game
One handed sword warriors - Shield of iron wall

Spear Warrior - Raging Warriors

Two Handed Sword Warriors - Ultimate survival

Crossbow Archers - Dragon Slayer

Bow Archers - Attack of an Archer

Ballista Archers - Soul of a noted bow


i'm still downloading the game....
i can't give my full opinion about this game...
here is the main website

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